Israeli Media : Egyptian President Rejects Call from Netanyahu


In a recent development, Israeli media outlets reported that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office attempted to coordinate a call with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, but the request was rejected by the Egyptian presidency, according to Hebrew Channel 13.

Citing informed sources, Channel 13 stated that amid disagreements with Egypt regarding potential Israeli movements along the Philadelphia and Rafah axis, Netanyahu's office, through the National Security headquarters, submitted a request to arrange a call between Netanyahu and President Sisi, but it proved futile.

This incident occurred against the backdrop of significant disputes with the Egyptians over the Israeli activities along the Philadelphia axis, as reported by the channel.

According to the same source, an official from Netanyahu's office confirmed these details, although no official statement has been issued.

Egypt had previously responded to Israeli allegations that weapons smuggling operations were taking place through trucks carrying aid and goods to the Gaza Strip from the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing, dismissing them as "empty and laughable rhetoric."

President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi addressed accusations against Egypt, suggesting that before the conflict, Gaza used to receive 600 trucks daily through Egypt, but now the maximum reached is 200 or 220 trucks.

The Israeli legal team at the International Court of Justice had earlier placed full responsibility on Egypt for the Rafah crossing, claiming that the Israeli side did not impede the entry of aid.

This diplomatic incident sheds light on the strained relations between Israel and Egypt, particularly concerning the handling of cross-border activities and the flow of assistance to Gaza.

The rejection of the call suggests underlying tensions and a lack of consensus on key regional issues between the two nations. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how both parties will navigate these diplomatic challenges.

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