German Chancellor Calls for Thorough Investigation into Gaza Hospital Incident

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his shock at the destruction of a hospital in the Gaza Strip, which led to the tragic loss of hundreds of lives.

Scholz took to the "X" platform (formerly known as Twitter) on Wednesday, stating, "I am horrified by the images that have reached us regarding the explosion that occurred in a Gaza hospital... The innocent were injured and lost, our hearts are with the families of the victims."

He added, "It is imperative that an extremely comprehensive investigation be conducted into this incident."

Yesterday, a hospital in the Gaza Strip was struck by a missile, resulting in the tragic loss of hundreds of lives, as announced by the local Ministry of Health.

The Ministry of Health in Gaza, along with numerous Arab nations, asserts that the deadly explosion occurred as a result of an Israeli airstrike. This incident demands a thorough and impartial investigation to uncover the truth and ensure accountability for the lives lost. The international community must come together to support such an investigation and work towards preventing such tragedies in the future.

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