Accusations of Genocide in Gaza: Khamenei Warns Israel of Resistance's Patience Running Thin

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has accused Israel of committing acts of genocide in the Gaza Strip, addressing the world at large.

In his speech on Tuesday, Khamenei warned that if the crimes in Gaza persist, the patience of the resistance and Muslims would wear thin. He emphasized that no party would be able to stand in their way, according to the Iranian news agency "Tasnim".

The Iranian leader also stressed the importance of the United States taking responsibility, as it is currently overseeing Israel's policies. He further stated, "All parties should not later request anyone to prevent a team from taking steps in response to the crimes of the Zionists."

Khamenei also affirmed the necessity of holding Israel accountable and putting it on trial for its actions within Gaza. He pointed out that those targeted by Palestinian resistance in the settlements are not civilians but armed individuals.

The Israeli massacres in the Gaza Strip continue as the aggression enters its 11th day. The occupying forces are expanding their targeting of residential buildings, leading to dozens of casualties with each assault by the occupying forces.

These Israeli massacres come after the occupying state suffered a devastating blow on October 7th, when Palestinian resistance factions executed the "Operation Aqsa Storm."

Operation Aqsa Storm was in response to the ongoing attacks by Israeli forces and settlers against the Palestinian people, their properties, and their sanctities.

While the occupying army claims its strikes are aimed at eliminating the Hamas movement and dismantling its military structure, the fierce airstrikes continue to rain down on residential buildings, resulting in the martyrdom of nearly three thousand Palestinians, mostly women and children.

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