German Volkswagen company changes its name; why?


The German company and the second largest auto sales company today announced in 2020 that it will change its name as part of its efforts to become the largest electric vehicle manufacturer of the future.

Now, the brand will be renamed Voltswagen instead of Volkswagen, which stands for volt, the electric potential unit.

It appears that the announcement was due to be revealed sometime in April, but by coincidence his press release was published yesterday for a few moments before it was deleted, so today the company officially took this step, however, announcing that the changes would be reflected until the next May.

In its press release, the company stressed that "the new name and brand symbolize the highly charged momentum presented by VW, in pursuit of the goal of transporting all people from one point to another using electric vehicles."

On the other hand, Scott Q, President and CEO of Voltswagen of America stated: “We can change the K to T, but what we don't change is the commitment of this brand to making the best vehicles in its class for drivers. People everywhere. That name change is a reference to Our past is like a people's car, and our firm belief that our future lies in being the people's electric car. "

Volkswagen was the first major car manufacturer to support the goals of the Paris climate agreement, and its mission is to reduce carbon emissions by 30% by 2025 and reach full carbon neutrality by 2050. The German company's goal is to sell 1 million electric cars around the planet by 2050. 2025, and to have more than 70 electric models of all brands by 2029.

The company has not stated whether combustion engine cars will continue to carry the Volkswagen name, although it is the most logical step while achieving the transition to the electric motor, that way customers will also be able to easily identify electric models.

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