Prompt !! The blogging era has come to an end and the emergence of video blogging


In the current millennium, the world witnessed a tremendous development in the technological revolution, and blogs at that time won a great place, after the development of the "Blogger" and "WordPress" platform and making profit from them.

But with the completion of the first decade and the emergence of social networks such as "Facebook", "Twitter", "LinkedIn", "Pinterest" and "Instagram", blogging has witnessed a significant decline, and Twitter instead of blogging has become common, especially among young people.

Is the blogging era over after the emergence of social networks ?!

Perhaps the simple answer will be "yes", as there is a common belief that the blogging era has ended and social media has replaced the status of social networking sites, but in fact "no" despite the significant decline in the number of blogs after the emergence of social networks, but I do not know what is the evidence of these Who believe this matter

But this matter became incomparable to what is now emerging from the phenomenon of (VLog) or visual blogging | Will the blogging era end with the vlog .... And where are the famous bloggers from that?

Visual blogging or what is called video blogging, which is abbreviated as vlogs (Vlogs), is a person filming the sequence of a day’s events and presenting them in a short form. To become grouped together in this form vlog means video blogging

The visual blogging "vlog" has positive features as it brings you closer to the person’s life and experience instead of the dry information that you read. Therefore, visitors prefer this matter and that is why they leave the written posts on blogs and go to visual blogging, which negatively affects blogs, so this matter prompted a lot of famous people Bloggers are taking the trend in this matter in order to preserve their visitors and profits

It is correct to say that they increase their profits and not preserve them, because some of the sites that allow the possibility of creating visual blogging, such as YouTube, the profits of their platform from advertisements are higher than blogs

You find that one video that attracts about 100,000 viewers exceeds the profit of Thaqaf 100 dollars from AdSense profits, and that is as a minimum, and this matter is according to what one of the friends who work in this field said. As for the blogs, you find that the article with it if it reaps the same value of visitors, the profits are less than the profits of one video On the YouTube platform

This was in proportion to profits, and in addition to that comes the second factor, which is fame, as money and fame are the two best factors in the direction of visual blogging as you find the "YouTubers" who are the owners of visual blogging on YouTube are known from the owners of bloggers

For example, when you see one of the video posts, you see the person who introduces you to a vlog, and if you see him on a street, you will definitely recognize him, unlike the blogs, for example, you read this post and do not know who is writing it, and if you meet me on a street, you definitely will not know me.

Why not start visualizing ?!

It is undoubtedly a matter, but this matter requires some effort and work and it is not, as some believe, easy because the submitted videos must be exclusive, have a good character and useful content in addition to the quality of the video and professional production if the videos are comics .... etc.

What will happen to blogs after 2018 ?!

Frankly, I do not know whether blogs will end permanently or whether there will be a glimmer of hope that blogs will come back strongly again, but what I really know is that visual blogging will take more than one right, and it is really what is happening now, as these are honored by the platforms that host visual blogging and that When they reach a certain level

For example, YouTube places the Silver Shield award for those who reach 100,000 subscribers, and another award is the Golden Shield known as the "million subscribers shield" for those who reach one million subscribers on their YouTube channel. The last prize is the Diamond Shield for those who reach 10 million subscribers, in addition to Other prizes and conferences that he invites them to

 And I always talk on YouTube about this matter because it is the first platform in that since in 2008, specifically in the month of January only, a statistic was made that proved that about 79 million users have viewed more than 3 billion videos, although YouTube does not allow placing videos that have copyright saved

This statistic was in 2008, so what about the statistics of YouTube now, and for those who wish to verify the validity of the statistics, they can be verified through "Wikipedia" on the page of the definition of YouTube

In conclusion ... Do you think that blogs are able to withstand social networks, visual blogging, and other obstacles ?!

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