MP3 player for Blogger blog or for the web There are many and very many players, but few of them are distinguished players that combine formatting and lightness, so today I offer you the best MP3 player on the web
It can be used in websites that depend on phonemes, such as the Holy Quran sites, and this player is used a lot on the Blogger platform as well as Wordpress, but you can use it all over the web
I previously thought: Should I offer several MP3 players on this topic, or be satisfied with this player, but after I thought I decided to make do with this player because it can be colored and coordinated to suit all sites
But I like that I want to do something very important because some will misuse MP3 players on websites, such as using them in songs and others, and I bear witness to God that I am innocent of anyone who will use this addition while God is angry.
Therefore, make your use of this add-on for good and for the benefit of people. It is a suitable addition for people who use MP3 files to spread the Holy Quran, lessons and sermons
How to add an MP3 player to Blogger blog
This is the MP3 player code. Add it by pasting it into the HTML mode of the post in which you want the MP3 player to appear.
Explanation of the MP3 player settings in Blogger
500 is the operator display number
If you want the audio file to be played automatically in your blog or site, replace no with yes
If you want the audio file to start playing automatically, replace no with yes
Explanation of the MP3 player format in Blogger
Changing the colors in the flash players is the same as changing the normal colors, but there is of course a very slight difference within the code
We all know that regular HEX color codes look like #FFFFFF
As for flash files, instead of code # >>> 0x, meaning that they are like this 0xFFFFFF, and there is no difference in the code format other than this
This word 0xBAE2FB is for the background color in the middle part of the player
This word 0x6ABEF3 is the color of the left side of the player
This is the 0xffffff color icon in the right pane
This word 0x0779BF is specific to the right-hand side color of the player
And this word 0x59ADE1 is specific to the right part color when the mouse is hovered over it
This word 0xffffff is specific to the right-hand icon color
This is the 0xffffff color of the icon when you hover the mouse over it
The word 0xffffff is for font color
This portion is 0x333333 for download path color
This 0x292929 is the color of the frame that is visible around the path
This word 0x005FCC is specific to the border color below the following path for the download
Important note: This part is located at the beginning and end of the code
It is a line present before the code and far and make the code in the middle of it. You can remove it if you do not include it inside the code, but I would like to add it so that the code can be distinguished in
HTMAL page for other codes
Now you can format the launcher to fit your blog template