Adding the Gregorian date in Blogger is a new addition, there are those who like to inform their visitors of the current date, especially news and technical sites that download news because a date in them shows how recent that news is.
Adding the Gregorian date to the Blogger blog makes your blog professional and increases it a magic touch. This addition is an exclusive preparation and development of the Blog cnmu by Amr Mostafa and it was published on the Queen News blog
There are two versions of this plugin, the basic version, and of course it is the normal date form, which is a version that needs some craftsmanship in the addition so that you can choose a suitable place for it in the template, for example in the top menu, and it is difficult to explain the composition of this version because each template in Blogger is different from the other, but which Having little experience with molds he will be able to install with ease
This is its code that you can add in the appropriate place {Show code}
You can use this code with it to color the baseline, to be added above the tag {Show code <1>}
You can change the colors within the code to suit you
As for those who want the code in a coordinated manner, follow the following steps
Go to the Blogger dashboard
Layout or design
Add a tool
HTML / Javascript
Paste the following code in it
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